Monday, January 16, 2012

Why is this not working for me?

This is a question I am getting a lot.  Why is this not working? I'm spending even more money.  First of all in all my savings and my low bill, I am not really "grocery" shopping.  We eat out of what is in the house, not what we buy at the store.  I am only adding or replenishing what is in our house.  So it will cost a little more to build up your supply if you are a week to week shopping.

Here are some suggestions.  Plan your meals for the coming week based on the grocery ads and what you have on hand.  Try to find at least one meal you can make with out anything from the store, even if that means breakfast for dinner one night.  Next try to find three meals you can make from items that are on sale and that you have coupons for.  With the money you are saving from those meals, look for items that are a great sale this week, items you WILL USE.  Buy three.  Try this for three weeks.   By the end of the three weeks, try to make 4 meals with items in your house, no grocery store.  (A produce run may be in order)  You should start to see a big drop in your grocery bill.  Starting is hard, it will take a while, but it will be worth the effort.

Happy shopping.!  I hope that helps answer that question.

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